Wednesday 21 September 2016

Unit 3- Research for a Tv programme:


My TV show will be a reality series following the life of the famous Ramsay family, consisting of the Dad known as a chief called Gordon, the mum, and four children. The series will follow their every move as a family, travelling to America on their family vacations regularly and their life in the capital of England; London. The series will be aired on ITVBE, a channel which airs many reality series. Therefore, this new TV reality show called,' Follow the Ramsey's will have to start on a high to allow viewings and a good reputation for the show, for the audience to feel drawn in to watch it on a weekly basis.

The reality series  will consist of many types of research before the programme is allowed to air on our screens. The target audience for the reality series is sixteen plus as teenagers engage in reality series and the majority of young women will engage with the reality series. Therefore, the audience who will the series will be appropriate for are, teenager girls and young women.

The first type of research I will do is PRIMARY research, because it will allow me to do questionnaires for the audience to fill out to give feedback to us to make sure this appears in the reality show, what they want to see. The questionnaires will be given out in women dominated places such as beauty salons, coffee shops and shops such as top shop. The questionnaires will be filled out in front of us to make sure the questionnaires we take back, as otherwise if we ask them to post it back, people forget and may not be bothered to fill the questionnaire out. The advantages of doing the primary research first will allow me to have first hand information and it will be exactly what is needed.

The SECONDARY research will consist of myself and the team finding what is already out there, for example how many views other reality shows get, what the series consist of, what stands out. I will also look into social media to see what peoples views on series are to help with the research to help make the reality series the best it can be. Also, a pro to secondary research is cheap as it is information already out there in the world.

The Quantitative research will allow me to look into data which will show me facts and statistics on other reality shows. It is a type of research I will be able to look into other statistics behind other reality series, but also this will contribute to the reality series we will be making.

The Qualitative research will allow me to find out through secondary research tied in with Qualitative research peoples opinions on the idea of the reality show, not only will we find out opinions but will also be able to look into what motivates people and other types of statistics on peoples opinions. This type of research will help unfold issues allowing us to have potential developing the further idea with opinions involved.

The Market research will allow me to look into other reality series to compare it to our idea, also looking into the audience research which will help make or break the series. Without focusing the series at the audience, the series will go down hill. Therefore, it is important to not only look into other series and see how they do, but also into what the audience are looking for as they are the main priority.

The production research is an essential part of developing the idea of the TV series as not only are we looking into the fiancés of the new adventure but also the types of locations which will be used. For example risk assessments need to take place before using certain locations which involve money.

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