Monday, 21 September 2015

Lesson 21/9/15 MRS FROST

In todays lesson we learnt about pre-production and the requirements.

We learnt about the key facts which have to be covered in unit 1 which are:
Type of production, personnel,finance, contributors , code of practice, materials, scripts/ equipment/ facilities, locations.

Learning about pre-production was very interesting as now we know the basics for the assignment.

I thought the lesson was good preparation for what we need to know. Also, the requirements give us a good insight into what we need work towards.

Lastly, the lesson was a very useful as we learnt new things to be added towards our assignment.

I enjoyed learning new and different things about what happens before production.

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Creative media Btec:

So far creative media has been interesting. Also, after just two lessons I have learnt how to use wordle and blogger. I feel I will enjoy creative media as I would like to learn how to use many features such as a camera, photoshop and other equipment.

Also, I am looking forward to learning how magazine covers, cd covers and dvd covers are designed. Moreover, I would like to know why certain films have themes which go so well with settings and characters the producers choose.

The course interests me because I am looking forward to learning new topics in an industry which I have little knowledge about.

But at the same time of being excited I am also nervous as you don’t know what to expect in each assignment.

Moreover, I would like to get to know this course and become excited when it comes to making many projects.

Creative media btec seems interesting as its coursework based and not exams. You are doing the work as you learn which is easier and shows more of an interest.

It is interesting to learn something new which you have little knowledge about and to see how ambitious you become towards a subject.

Therefore, my first impressions of Creative media btec is great. I am  hoping to take Creative media into my career in the future.

I am looking forward to getting to understand covers of Magazines and why they are laid out who they are. Also, I am interested to see how a Magazine appeals to people. The first thing people see is the cover, therefore what makes them buy it.

Lastly, I am excited to start the course and I hope it becomes a great interest of mine in the future.